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What are the requirements for managing used and end-of-life electronic equipment in the R2 Standard?

Strategies, reuse, materials recovery

Q: What is the hierarchy of responsible management strategies for used and end-of-life electronic equipment in the R2 Standard?

A: The R2 Standard requires certified facilities to manage used and end-of-life electronic equipment according to the following hierarchy of responsible management strategies:

  1. Reuse: Equipment and components that are capable of reuse should be directed to reuse after data sanitization and testing and/or repair.
  2. Materials Recovery: Equipment and components not suitable for reuse should be sent for materials recovery.
  3. Energy recovery, incineration, or disposal: These options should only be considered for materials with focus Materials after reuse and materials recovery options have been exhausted.

This hierarchy prioritizes reuse first, followed by materials recovery for recycling into new products.