IT Asset Management Group Becomes EPEAT Champion

IT Asset Management Group Becomes EPEAT Champion

IT Asset Management Group (ITAMG), a leading provider of IT asset disposal, data destruction and electronics recycling services, has joined the EPEAT Champion program. EPEAT is the definitive global rating system for greener electronics. Becoming an EPEAT...

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Beyond Computer Recycling Initiatives

Beyond Computer Recycling Initiatives

When it comes to recycling there is always room for improvement. From coast to coast exciting initiatives are taking root. On the east coast, in New York City, the  Apartment Building Recycling Initiative is underway. Individuals living in NYC...

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Electronic Waste Problem to Increase a Dramatic 1/3 by 2017

Electronic Waste Problem to Increase a Dramatic 1/3 by 2017

E-waste is on the rise and the impending result will impact us all. According to a USA Today article referencing a UN Study, “The mountain of refrigerators, cellphones, TV sets and other electrical waste disposed of annually worldwide is forecast to grow by a third by...

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Project Management is Key to Safe IT Asset Disposition

Project Management is Key to Safe IT Asset Disposition

Project management is a critical component in any IT project yet end of life disposal process is often lacking the proper amount of attention. Proper IT disposal planning will minimize data security risks and cleanly close out the life cycle of computer equipment with...

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Beyond Computer Recycling Initiatives

One CIO’s Trash, Is The Same CIO’s Liability

What happens when end use computing, mobile devices and data center infrastructure reach the end of its useful life in the enterprise environment? It turns into a major business liability. Each week, vast amounts of hardware is discarded by corporations large and...

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It’s Smart to Watch Your Electronic Waste Habits

It’s Smart to Watch Your Electronic Waste Habits

Growing up watching someone talk into their watch always looked pretty cool. Now with the Samsung Galaxy Gear that high-tech, talk into your watch age is here. Samsung has been winning praise for their ads which speak to that TV viewing audience. An article on...

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Revisiting “What Does A Gigabit Network Really Mean?”

Back in April, the ITAMG blog touched on what does a gigabit network really mean. 'Without these (data infrastructure) investments, the US will struggle to lead in the development of next generation internet applications." April 26th, 2013, ITAMG Our good friends...

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The Frightening Impact of Theft, Loss, and Data Breaches

“Don’t panic, it’s only a data breach.” Are those words that you would ever hear? Certainly not, because when there is a data breach while panic may not be the optimal reaction it more often than not is the reaction. A data breach can cause...

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5 Ways an IT Pro Can Succeed as a Manager

5 Ways an IT Pro Can Succeed as a Manager

An IT Manager takes on a diverse role that encompasses technical challenges, analyzing information, staffing, conflict resolution, strategic planning, developing budgets, and even data center management. Both the technical and management components require your...

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World’s Biggest Physical Data Breaches: Visualized

World’s Biggest Physical Data Breaches: Visualized

Ever hear of this thing called “big data”? It is hard to visualize reams of information and how to make them useful, especially when it comes to understanding all the different kinds of data breaches and industries most effected. Creative engineers and information...

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5 Tips for Computer Disposal and Data Destruction

At ITAMG we have been advising our clients on the big picture best practices for IT asset management, computer recycling, and secure data erasure. The following are five specific tips to help you make the most of your IT asset disposal program.   1) Communicate...

Performing IT Asset Disposal Vendor Due Diligence (Part 2)

Part 2: Documenting a Site Visit to an IT Asset Disposal Service Provider In this second installment of best practices for vetting a disposal vendor and documenting a process for electronic waste disposition IT Asset Management Group (ITAMG) is advising organizations...

Performing IT Asset Disposal Vendor Due Diligence

Part 1: Instituting a Master Service Agreement IT Asset Management Group (ITAMG) will be publishing multiple blog posts to prepare organizations for audits around computer equipment disposal, environmental compliance, and data security for end of life media and...

The End of Windows XP Support: Refresh and Computer Disposal Planning

If your company’s end users rely on Windows XP you are probably aware that on April 8th, 2014 Microsoft support for XP will end. The reason for this decision is discussed in this post by Elephant Outlook “Microsoft to Windows XP User – Your Operating System is a Major...

Calculate the Value of Used Computer Equipment

Perhaps the most common question people ask IT Asset Management Group is how do we figure out what surplus IT equipment is worth? In order for ITAMG to provide our clients with bids, proposals, and projections for surplus and end of life computer equipment, we...

ITAMG Celebrates 15 Years in IT Asset Disposal Services

Here at IT Asset Management Group (a New York based IT asset disposal and data destruction provider) we are thrilled to be celebrating our fifteenth year in business. Since September of 1999 ITAMG has grown from our modest beginnings...

5 Attributes of a Successful IT Asset Disposition Program

Government agencies, corporations, and various institutions are taking measures to improve IT asset management and disposition practices in order to mitigate risk of a data breach, achieve environmental initiatives, and ensure optimal financial performance. The...

5 Lessons CIOs Can Learn from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Avid Star Trek fans and casual viewers alike probably agree that the show’s success is thanks to the moral and philosophical narratives that overshadow the fun science fiction, campy action, and special effects of the series. The above image is from NASA.GOV. ITAMG is...

The 4 Knows of IT Asset Disposition

The best place to start is the beginning of course, regardless if this is your first IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) project or your hundredth. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest and knowing the “Four Knows” can help return that interest for your surplus IT...