Ensuring Data Integrity & Access During Data Center Decommissioning

Posted by Richy George

Mar 26, 2024 11:45:58 AM

To ensure data integrity and access during data center decommissioning, implement meticulous planning, secure data backups, and adhere to strict data destruction protocols.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data center decommissioning requires meticulous planning to ensure data integrity and access, involving comprehensive inventory assessment, identification of critical data for migration, and establishing a clear timeline with milestones to avoid data loss and maintain business continuity.
  • Implementing robust data backup and migration strategies is essential, including ensuring data redundancy, selecting appropriate migration methods to minimize downtime, and verifying data integrity post-migration to prevent data corruption and ensure seamless business operations.
  • Compliance with data protection laws and regulations is critical during decommissioning. Understanding and adhering to HIPAA, GDPR, and other regulatory guidelines for data sanitization, as well as thorough documentation and certification of data destruction, are essential to avoid legal repercussions and maintain customer trust.

Understanding Data Center Decommissioning

When a business decides it's time to shut down a data center, it's not just about turning off the lights and locking the doors. This process, decommissioning, is a complex task requiring careful planning and execution. It's like moving out of a house, but you're dealing with tons of sensitive data and expensive equipment instead of furniture.

Companies might decommission data centers for various reasons. Maybe they're upgrading to newer technology, looking to cut costs, or restructuring the company. Whatever the reason, one thing remains constant: the need to protect data. Data integrity and data access are the cornerstones of a smooth transition. Without them, you risk data loss or breaches, which can have serious consequences for your business.

The stakes are high during decommissioning. Imagine if customer data got lost or leaked. Not only would this be a nightmare in terms of privacy issues, but it could also lead to legal troubles and damage your reputation. That's why keeping a tight lid on data protection throughout the process is crucial.

Defining Data Center Decommissioning and Its Objectives

So, what exactly is data center decommissioning? Think of it as a detailed plan to safely retire a data center. This plan covers everything from backing up all data to properly disposing of hardware. The main goals are to avoid data loss, protect data privacy, and ensure your business keeps running without a hitch—that's business continuity.

Decommissioning is also a part of IT lifecycle management. It's about knowing when to retire old systems and transition to new ones. This isn't just about keeping up with the latest tech. It's about making smart decisions that keep your business efficient and secure.

The Role of Data Integrity and Access in Decommissioning

During decommissioning, data integrity means making sure your data stays accurate and uncorrupted. Data access is about ensuring that the right people can get to the data they need right up until the last server is switched off. If something goes wrong and data gets messed up or lost – that's data corruption – it can throw a wrench into the whole operation.

You might use data audits to keep data safe. These are like check-ups for your data, making sure everything is in order and nothing's out of place. And to double-check that data hasn't been tampered with, there are data integrity verification tools. These tools are like detectives, sniffing out any signs of data meddling.

By focusing on data integrity and access, you're not just protecting bytes and bits. You're safeguarding your business's lifeblood during a critical transition. It's about ensuring that when one chapter closes with the decommissioning of a data center, another can begin without missing a beat.

Pre-Planning for Decommissioning

Before you can close the doors on your data center, there's a critical phase that sets the stage for everything that follows: pre-planning. This isn't just about making a to-do list; it's about laying down a strategic blueprint that ensures your data remains intact and accessible. Let's walk through the steps to make sure your decommissioning project starts on the right foot.

Conducting a Comprehensive Inventory Assessment

First things first, you need to know exactly what's in your data center. This means taking a detailed inventory of all your hardware, software, and data assets. Think of it as taking a snapshot of your IT environment. This step is vital for several reasons:

  • It helps you understand the relationships between different systems and how they support your business operations.
  • It identifies what needs to be moved to a new location, what can be archived for long-term storage, and what should be securely destroyed.
  • It lays the groundwork for maintaining data integrity during the decommissioning process.

Here's how to tackle the inventory assessment:

  • Catalog every piece of hardware, from servers to networking equipment.
  • List all software applications, including versions and configurations.
  • Map out where your data lives and how it flows between systems.

This comprehensive view is your roadmap for the decommissioning journey, helping you make informed decisions about every asset.

Identifying Critical Data and Applications for Migration

Not all data is created equal. Some information is the lifeblood of your company, while other data might be outdated or redundant. That's why it's crucial to pinpoint the critical data and applications that need to be moved safely to their new home. Here's what to consider:

  • Classify data based on its sensitivity and importance to your business operations.
  • Decide on the best migration destinations for your critical data, whether to another data center or the cloud.
  • Understand the challenges of moving large data volumes and plan accordingly to avoid disruptions.

Remember, the goal is to keep your business running smoothly during the transition. By identifying what's most important, you can focus your efforts and resources on protecting these assets.

Establishing a Timeline and Decommissioning Milestones

Timing is everything. A realistic decommissioning timeline is not just a schedule; it's a strategic tool that ensures you don't rush through critical steps or overlook important details. Here's how to set your timeline:

  • Consider the size of your data center and the complexity of your infrastructure. Larger setups will naturally require more time to decommission.
  • Factor in the resources you have available, including staff and budget.
  • Break down the project into phases, setting clear milestones for each stage.

A phased approach allows you to maintain control over the process, ensuring data integrity and access at every turn. It also gives you the flexibility to adjust your plan as needed, responding to any challenges that arise without losing sight of your ultimate goal: a smooth and secure decommissioning of your data center.

Data Backup and Migration Strategies

Data Backup and Migration Strategies

When it's time to decommission a data center, think of your data as passengers on a flight to a new destination. You wouldn't want to lose any passengers along the way, right? That's where data backup and data migration strategies come into play. They're your safety nets, ensuring that every piece of data makes it safely to its next stop without a hitch. Choosing the right backup solutions and migration tools is like picking the best airline for your journey—reliable and suited to your specific needs. And just like you would with a flight, you need to test these plans to ensure everything goes smoothly, keeping your data intact and accessible every step of the way.

Ensuring Data Redundancy Before Decommissioning

Before you start shutting things down, you need to double-check that all your data has a twin—this is what we call data redundancy. It's like having an extra copy of your house key; you're not locked out if one gets lost. Creating redundant data copies and storing them safely is your insurance policy against data loss. Here's how to keep your data safe:

  • Make multiple backups and store them in different physical locations.
  • Use reliable storage solutions that protect against data corruption.
  • Regularly update and test your backups to ensure they're recoverable.

This redundancy is your safeguard, your quick recovery solution when the unexpected happens. It's the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown data disaster.

Selecting Data Migration Methods for Business Continuity

 There are a few ways to do the move, and each has its pros and cons. Live migration keeps things running while data moves in the background. Batch migration moves data in chunks, and cloud migration sends it off to a cloud service. Here's what to consider:

  • Live migration minimizes downtime but requires more resources.
  • Batch migration can be scheduled but might temporarily disrupt access.
  • Cloud migration offers scalability but depends on internet bandwidth.

Your goal is to keep the business running like nothing's happening. That means planning for minimal downtime and ensuring critical systems stay up and running. It's a delicate balance, but with the right method, you can keep the wheels turning without anyone noticing the behind-the-scenes action.

Verifying Data Integrity Post-Migration

Once your data has landed, you need to make sure nothing got lost or changed during the flight. This is where data integrity verification comes in. It's like doing a headcount after a group trip. You'll want to:

  • Conduct data integrity checks to confirm everything is as it should be.
  • Reconcile data to ensure the migrated data matches the original.
  • Address any discrepancies immediately to maintain data accuracy.

Document every step of the way. This documentation is your record, proof that you've done everything to keep your data safe. It's also a guide for future migrations, a way to learn from this experience and make the next one even smoother.

Data Erasure and Destruction Protocols

When the time comes to say goodbye to your data center, it's not just about moving data to a new home. You also need to think about the data you're leaving behind. Data erasure and destruction protocols are critical to ensure that no sensitive information falls into the wrong hands after decommissioning. It's about cleaning house thoroughly, so there's nothing left for unauthorized eyes. Let's walk through how to wipe the slate clean securely and why sticking to data destruction regulations isn't just good practice—it's the law.

Choosing Data Erasure Methods to Prevent Data Breaches

Selecting the right data erasure methods is a bit like choosing the right lock for your front door. You want something that keeps intruders out but also fits your needs. Here are some factors to consider:

Type of storage media: Different devices require different erasure techniques.

Data sensitivity: The more sensitive the data, the more robust your methods need to be.

Compliance requirements: Make sure you're meeting industry and legal standards.

Each method, from degaussing to shredding to overwriting, has its own set of benefits and limitations. It's about finding the balance between security and practicality.

Implementing Data Destruction Policies and Procedures

Having a plan for data destruction is like having a playbook for your team. It ensures everyone knows their role and plays it well. Here's what you need to include in your policies and procedures:

Documentation: Keep records of what was destroyed, when, and how.

Staff training: Make sure your team knows how to handle data securely.

Certified vendors: Work with professionals who know how to do the job right.

Regular audits are also a must. They're like pop quizzes that ensure your team follows the rules and keeps your data safe, even as it's being destroyed.

Certifying Data Destruction for Legal Compliance

Certifying your data destruction isn't just crossing a T or dotting an I—it's proof that you're playing by the rules. Here's why it's important:

Legal compliance: Meet reasonable standards for protecting your customer's data.  

Compliance standards: Meet industry or regional specific regulatory requirements.  

Legal consequences: You could face fines or legal action without properly protecting access to data.

Think of a certificate of destruction as getting a receipt for your data destruction. It's a record showing you've done everything by the book, keeping your business safe from legal headaches.  However, a certificate of data destruction is not enough to prove compliance, you must also establish due diligence in vendor selection and that a robust data protection program is in effect.  

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Navigating the maze of compliance and regulatory requirements is critical to decommissioning a data center. It's not just about flipping switches and pulling plugs; you need to ensure that every step of the process aligns with data protection legislation and standards. This isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about protecting your business from penalties and maintaining the trust of your customers by safeguarding their data.

Understanding HIPAA, GDPR, and Other Data Protection Laws

Data protection laws like HIPAA in the United States and the GDPR in the European Union set the bar for how personal data should be handled. These laws have a lot to say about data handling, storage, and destruction:

HIPAA: Requires safeguarding medical information with strict controls on how it's stored and when it must be destroyed.

GDPR: Gives individuals rights over their data and sets high fines for non-compliance.

To stay on the right side of these laws during decommissioning, you'll need to:

  • Assess and classify the data you're handling.
  • Follow the prescribed methods for data destruction.
  • Keep clear records of every action taken with personal data.

Utilizing NIST Guidelines for Data Sanitization

The NIST guidelines for data sanitization are like a playbook for making sure data can't be recovered once it's supposed to be gone. They outline different levels of sanitization:

Clear: Protects against basic data recovery techniques.

Purge: Defends against more advanced recovery methods.

Destroy: Ensures data is completely irrecoverable.

Implementing these levels correctly is crucial for a defensible, documented process for data erasure. It's not just about deleting files; it's about ensuring they can never be returned.

Documenting Compliance with Industry Standards

Keeping thorough documentation is like having a detailed map of your journey through the decommissioning process. It shows where you started, the route you took, and that you followed all the signs along the way. Here's what you should document:

Policies: Your rules for handling and destroying data.

Procedures: The steps you take to follow those rules.

Audit reports: Proof that you did what you said you'd do.

This documentation is key for showing due diligence and maintaining transparency with everyone who has a stake in your business. It's not just about avoiding trouble; it's about building trust.

Partnering with IT Asset Disposal Professionals

Partnering with IT Asset Disposal Professionals

In the journey of data center decommissioning, teaming up with IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) professionals can be a game-changer. These experts bring a wealth of knowledge and specialized services that can transform a complex process into a streamlined operation. They are the guardians of data integrity, ensuring that every step, from dismantling to data destruction, is handled with the utmost security and compliance. Let's delve into the world of ITAD services and the unmatched efficiency they offer.

Evaluating IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) Vendors

Choosing the right ITAD vendor is like picking a partner for a tandem skydive – you want someone you can trust with your life, or in this case, your data. Here's what to look for:

Certifications: They should have industry-recognized credentials like e-Stewards or R2 V3.

Experience: A track record that speaks volumes about their expertise.

Customer reviews: Feedback from businesses like yours can offer invaluable insights.

A vendor's commitment to data security and environmental compliance should be clear and non-negotiable. Doing your due diligence is not just about ticking boxes; it's about ensuring your data is safe.

The Benefits of Certified ITAD Services for Decommissioning

Working with certified ITAD services is like having a seal of approval for your decommissioning project. These certifications aren't just fancy stickers for their website; they're proof of their commitment to:

Responsible recycling: Ensuring that e-waste doesn't harm the environment.

Data destruction practices: Following stringent protocols to make data irretrievable.

This level of assurance is critical for maintaining compliance and managing risk. Certified ITAD providers are your allies in navigating the complex landscape of data center decommissioning.

Ensuring Secure Transport and Handling of Sensitive Data

The final leg of your data's journey during decommissioning is just as important as the first. Secure transport and handling are about protecting your sensitive data against any threats every step of the way. Considerations include:

Physical security: Data carriers should be locked, tracked, and guarded.

Logistical planning: Every move should be planned, recorded, and monitored.

Chain-of-custody documentation: This is your paper trail, proving that your data was handled correctly.

ITAD vendors must have ironclad procedures to prevent data breaches during transit. By vetting their transportation procedures, you're not just moving data; you're maintaining its integrity from start to finish.

FAQs on Data Center Decommissioning

Navigating the waters of data center decommissioning can be complex, with a myriad of questions arising about the process. Business owners often seek clarity on issues related to data security, the steps involved, and how to keep their business operations running smoothly during the transition. This section aims to provide straightforward answers to these common queries, offering practical advice and reassurance.

Addressing Common Concerns About Data Security During Decommissioning

Maintaining data security is one of the top concerns for any business during decommissioning. Here are some measures to ensure your data is protected:

Data protection measures: Implement strict protocols for handling and erasing data.

Encryption: Use encryption to safeguard data until it is securely erased.

ITAD vendors: Partner with trusted ITAD professionals who specialize in secure data destruction.

For instance, IT Asset Management Group (ITAMG) offers services that protect privacy and ensure compliance, including on-site data destruction and no-landfill recycling, aligning with HIPAA, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and other regulations.

How to Maintain Operations During the Decommissioning Process

Keeping your business running without interruption is crucial. Here's how to manage operations during decommissioning:

  • Plan and coordinate all decommissioning activities to minimize disruption.
  • Use temporary solutions or parallel systems to ensure the continuity of critical functions.
  • Maintain clear communication with stakeholders to manage expectations and keep everyone informed.

Steps to Take Following Successful Decommissioning

After decommissioning is complete, there are several steps to wrap up the process:

  • Perform final checks to confirm all data has been securely migrated or destroyed.
  • Follow procedures for hardware decommissioning to ensure all equipment is accounted for.
  • Update your business continuity plans to reflect changes in your IT infrastructure.

Leverage the experience gained from decommissioning to improve future IT projects. Consider the lifecycle of your IT assets and the optimal time for their replacement or upgrade. Companies like ITAMG can assist with IT liquidation services, ensuring that your decommissioned equipment is reused or recycled in an environmentally responsible way. For more information on these services, visit ITAMG's Computer and IT Liquidation page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1:

What are the risks of not following proper data destruction protocols during decommissioning?

Answer: Not following proper protocols can lead to data breaches and legal penalties.

Question 2:

How can businesses ensure data integrity when switching to a new data center?

Answer: Use data integrity verification tools and conduct thorough data audits.

Question 3:

What steps should be taken to secure data backups during decommissioning?

Answer: Store backups in multiple locations and regularly test their recoverability.

Question 4:

Can decommissioning a data center impact SEO or online services?

Answer: It can temporarily affect online presence and services if not managed properly.

Question 5:

How long should documentation related to decommissioning be retained?

Answer: Retain documentation for the duration specified by industry regulations and company policies.


Topics: data destruction, ITAD, Computer Liquidation, hard drive shredding, eWaste Disposal, Electronic Waste Management

5 Tips for Computer Disposal and Data Destruction

Posted by Frank Milia

Aug 17, 2015 10:42:00 AM

At ITAMG we have been advising our clients on the big picture best practices for IT asset management, computer recycling, and secure data erasure. The following are five specific tips to help you make the most of your IT asset disposal program.


1)     Communicate your needs.  We can help with refresh strategy, relocations, and more. As an IT asset management and disposal vendor we bring a unique perspective and skill set to advising on refresh projects, office and data center moves, and general procurement strategies.



Keep your asset disposal vendor in the loop on any major projects that effect your business operations and IT planning. We are familiar with a wide array of challenges that large organizations face during various projects and are happy to help your firm conquer them all.


Don’t wait to the final hour of a large project to enlist the help of your disposal vendor. The more lead time given to prepare statements of work, an action plan, quote costs and returns, and plan logistics the more likely a project will conclude successfully and within budget.


2)     Reset or clear any BIOS and Admin Passwords from laptops in order to assist with data erasure and re-imaging of machines for refurbishment and sale.



Create a depository of admin passwords by model or other machine attributes to share with your computer recycling vendor. At minimum keep a master list of all Admin Passwords. If your firm can’t share Admin Passwords make sure to set to a default password before disposing of the machine.


Do not allow IT or other employees to create and use admin passwords that are not standardized or otherwise recorded for future reference. Don't expect full value for Apple equipment, laptops, or similar devices if admin passwords are not available or can not be reset prior to disposal. 


3)     Instruct users to remove returned Apple devices from their iCloud accounts. iCloud is used to track lost or stolen assets and unless a device is removed from a registered account your company or disposal vendor may not be able to legally reuse valuable and desirable assets.



Notify users across your organization that are using personal iCloud accounts on company assets to remove his or her device from the account when turning the asset back in. Create a depository for tracking iCloud user names and passwords for company generated iCloud accounts so devices can be removed from users profiles and sold or otherwise reused.


Don’t allow users to use personal iCloud accounts on company owned assets. Put a policy and process in place for users to use company provided iCloud profiles for company owned Apple devices. Managing the devices this way will allow your firm to control the devices on the user’s account and ensure the assets are reusable or eligible for liquidation returns at retirement.


4)     Manage end of life data security appropriately.  Lock up unencrypted media that are threats of exposure until data destruction is performed.



When pulling machines out of the working environment make sure all data containing devices or locked in rooms, cages, or containers that can only be accessible by employees with appropriate security clearance. Label and utilize locked containers to store any loose end of life media.


Don’t store assets or media in conference rooms, hallways, or open office spaces where the general public, building employees, or any other employees or visitors may be able to access them. Do not leave loose media or hard drives sitting in data centers, storage closets, or any other office space.


5)     Handle equipment with care during physical consolidation and internal relocation. Liquidation returns on equipment are contingent on the working and cosmetic conditions of surplus computer equipment.



Ask us about the safest way to move all different types of equipment. Moving equipment throughout an office using carts or commercial moving bins is probably your best option. Treat the equipment with the same level of care used during implementation when removing the equipment from the environment.  We are happy to provide tips on how to pack and move equipment efficiently and safely.  


Don’t grab or apply pressure to LCD screens, scratch screens by letting equipment rub together, excessively stack laptops, damage rail kits or face plates on servers, or cut power cords from UPS, power, or any other equipment.   Avoid packaging or dismantling equipment without clear direction from an ITAMG professional. Do not allow a commercial moving vendor to abuse retired equipment simply because it is categorized as excess, waste, retired, salvage or other.


Looking for more tips on getting the best value back on your company's responsible computer disposal practices?

Download the ITAMG Inventory Template Today:

Tips & Inventory Template



Topics: IT Asset Disposal, Computer Liquidation, IT Management, Electronic Waste Management

IT Asset Disposal and Data Destruction Program Management

Posted by Frank Milia

Dec 10, 2014 9:50:00 AM

Since 1999 our primary business at IT Asset Management Group has been focused on developing and implementing the process, controls, and oversights necessary to run a compliant, secure, and economically viable IT asset disposition program.  We are now drawing upon our unique experience and capabilities to provide consulting, program management, and project management services for data destruction, environmental, asset management, and return management initiatives. 

Laptop Liquidation Program

ITAMG’s disposition programs are designed to bridge the gap and achieve the goals of various stakeholders including Finance, IT, Facilities, and Procurement departments.   

A broad approach to an asset disposal program is as follows:

  • Develop and furnish the initial operational, financial and technical assessments relating to an asset disposition program.
  • Recommend alternative operational processes and organizational solutions.
  • Provide budgetary cost and income estimates for the alternative approaches
  • Develop a Statement of Work for the program or project.
  • Assist with evaluation, selection and contracting, including the execution of Service Level Agreements.
  • Provide implementation and acceptance testing project management.
  • Include on-going program support as defined by client. Including delivery management, SLA monitoring and documentation of the financial returns.
  • Ensure Quality Control and Risk Management.


ITAMG’s asset disposal program management services are best suited for the Fortune 500, large government agencies, IT value added resellers, and other institutions with a significant IT hardware portfolio that requires the liquidation of at least one million dollars of surplus IT equipment in a single fiscal year. 

However, we do engage smaller mid-market clients to consult on and improve IT asset disposal and data destruction practices as well as to provide our direct IT asset recovery and hard drive shredding services.    


Request a Program Management Consultation


Topics: IT End of Life Strategy, data destruction, Computer Liquidation, NIST 800-88, IT Asset Disposal NY

Calculate the Value of Used Computer Equipment

Posted by Frank Milia

Sep 16, 2014 2:27:53 PM

Perhaps the most common question people ask IT Asset Management Group is how do we figure out what surplus IT equipment is worth? In order for ITAMG to provide our clients with bids, proposals, and projections for surplus and end of life computer equipment, we research the most current sales pricing and values available on the secondary markets. We analyze the inventory of equipment our clients wish to dispose of and use recent sales and current offers on equipment in order to gauge what a fair market value is.


IT asset disposal ny


The value of used IT equipment is no different than any other product or commodity and is governed by the laws of supply and demand. New software platforms, product releases, regulations, canceling of product lines or support and technology trends will change consumer demands for refurbished computer equipment and in turn effect the value of equipment on the secondary markets and what an IT asset disposal vendor will be able to pay out during a liquidation.

For instance, the value of useful equipment can be drastically reduced when a large organization disposes of a high volume of equipment in a small period of time. If a company decides they are no longer using a specific blade server, and disposes of thousands of a specific type of blade, the market will become flooded with this item.  In this situation, regardless of the equipment’s technological viability, the price will plummet on the secondary markets.

These factors are why ITAMG relies on the most current market information in order to develop our pricing and sales strategies. We work with enterprise clients to develop programs and processes to increase the returns during computer liquidation.

We understand our clients' and community may benefit from a tool that would provide quick estimates on what surplus computer equipment may be worth. That is why we developed the ITAMG Depreciation Calculator that enables our clients to plug in the original purchase price of equipment and determine the deprecation cycle stage as well as an estimate on what the fair market value of the equipment might be.

Download the Depreciation Calculator

ITAMG does not use this calculator to determine value propositions or bids for used computer equipment, but it is a handy tool to develop a refresh strategy and estimate how much returns a future disposal could generate.

Get The Depreciation Calculator



Topics: IT Asset Disposal, computer hardware, Computer Liquidation

ITAMG Celebrates 15 Years in IT Asset Disposal Services

Posted by Frank Milia

Sep 11, 2014 12:00:00 PM



Here at IT Asset Management Group (a New York based IT asset disposal and data destruction provider) we are thrilled to be celebrating our fifteenth year in business. Since September of 1999 ITAMG has grown from our modest beginnings delivering computer liquidation services to New York Metropolitan area firms to assisting global Fortune 500 and private companies with their asset disposal and data destruction programs.

In the last several years our service offerings expanded to provide on-site data destruction solutions including client site hard drive shredding and software wiping services as well as tape media and mobile device destruction. ITAMG is currently increasing efforts to secure data destruction contracts with Government agencies, and is taking steps to be listed on a schedule with the U.S. General Services Administration this year.  

We continue to focus our outreach to clients, and potential business partners, around best practices related to data security, environmental compliance, and methods for running an efficient disposition program to reduce costs and increase returns on surplus equipment.

As we look forward to future success our initiatives are to improve the client experience both during site services and through improved reporting and asset tracking methods.

We are also taking measures to expand capabilities related to technology relocation services, asset management, program management, and disposition consulting.

Our goal is to lead the IT asset disposition industry by helping our clients improve their information security and bottom line by establishing deeper engagements as a trusted strategic adviser. We owe our success to our dedicated customer base and would like to thank all who have supported us during the past fifteen years. We look forward to growing and improving with you.


Download the ITAMG Inventory Template Today to Get The Best Value For Your Company's Responsible Recycling:

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Topics: Computer Liquidation, eWaste Disposal, IT Asset Disposal NY


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